Welcome to Year 6b
Year 6b's class page!
The Class of 2023 is taught and supported by
Class Teacher - Miss Patchett
Class Teaching Assistant - Mr Dunn
Welcome to Year 6b. This is where you will find all the information you need to know about the Year 6 curriculum and the exciting learning your children will experience this year. There is so much to look forward to including being stretched and challenged; an exciting curriculum; trips; and an end of year production. Your child's last year at Tyldesley Primary School is going to be brilliant!
Our day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.30pm. In that time, we enjoy being inquisitive learners who work hard to achieve great things whilst preparing ourselves for Year 7.
P.E will be every Thursday afternoon. This term, our learning focus is fitness. Please remember to remove any watches or earrings.
The children have a school reading book which they should take home each day and return the next day. The children are expected to read four times a week. Reading should be documented in the children's reading record so they can move up the reading championship on a Friday.
Spelling tests will be every Friday. New spellings will be sent home that day which can be practised for the following week.
- Read at least 4 times a week
- Practise weekly spellings
- Practise times tables up to 12 x 12 (with use of Times Tables Rock Stars)
- Occasional subject specific based homework
All important information can be found on this page and the website. Please take a look at the curriculum overview, which outlines all the exciting learning which will be taking place in Year 6 this year.
For any messages and class updates, please view the Class Dojo year group page.