Reevy Hill Primary School

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Year 1a

Welcome to Year 1A!

Here you will find regular updates throughout the year about what we are learning in our class.  Below you will also find any important dates, news and additional information.

Teaching Team: Miss Hill, Miss Wakefield, Mrs. Croly
Phase Leader: Mrs. Metcalfe
SENDCO: Mrs. Gaskell

Headteacher: Mrs. Shorrock / Deputy Headteacher: Mr. Adams


Key Dates / Reminders

P.E: Mondays (outdoor) and Thursdays (indoor)
Reading: We ask that children are heard read at home at least 3 times per week and their reading planner is signed by an adult.  When a child reads three times a week and their planner has been signed they get to move up within the reading championship!  We ask that reading planners and books are brought in to be changed on Thursdays ready for checking and for books to be swapped.

Class Rewards

Dojo Points: ClassDojo points are awarded to pupils who display our core values of 'pride, respect, resilience, kindness and ambition'.
Rewards Menu: Once a child has achieved 100 Dojo points they are free to exchange these for a treat of our 'rewards menu', on display in every classroom!


Star of the Week: One child each week is selected for a special award for demonstrating one of our school values, issued in our Friday celebration assembly.



In Year 1, we have phonics lessons daily and use Little Wandle to support our learning. We complete reading sessions three times a week to help develop our fluency and comprehension. Please note that we will have the phonics screening check towards the end of our time in Year 1.  Below are a list of all of the sounds we should recognise by the end of Year 1 (and also some alternatives to get us ready for Year 2!).





Addition Strategies:

Subtraction Strategies:

Multiplication Strategies:

Division Strategies:


Curriculum Map

