Reevy Hill Primary School

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Communication and Language

Communication and Language


Communication and language is made up of 2 key areas: speaking and listening, attention & understanding.


At Tyldesley Primary School, we see communication and language as a very important aspect of child development; we know that speech and language skills are a key indicator in children's life long outcomes. Due to this, we ensure that we exploit every available opportunity for speaking, listening and attention. 


The children have the opportunity in nursery to begin to learn the rules of conversation and discussion.  This then develops through a variety of opportunities as the children move through Reception and on to the national curriculum.


We have a clear progression of expectations and skills taught to ensure that the children are equipped for their next stage of learning.


Language Rich Opportunities.

Concept Cat

Concept Cat


Concept Cat is a fun and engaging method to teach children early verbal concepts, eg. more, empty, between and after. It is a program that develops the spoken vocabulary of all children, including those with language learning difficulties.

This year, we have introduced Concept Cat within our nursery. Each week, the children are taught a concept to deepen their understanding of important concepts. The activity words are carefully planned so the children are fully immersed in the word; fully understand it in a range of concepts; and are able to use it within their own discussions.



All children are screened using the WellComm tool kit within the first 6 weeks of attending our nursery.

This allows us to set up a programme of interventions targeted at where children have gaps in their speech and language skills; thus allowing us to close these gaps as quickly as possible.

The interventions are delivered by our nursery team throughout the week.

Poems and Rhyme


Rhyme and poems are taught throughout our EYFS department.

Nursery children have a daily rhyme time focused on their rhyme of the week. These rhymes are then performed at the end of the week and shared and celebrated on Class Dojo.


In Reception, the children regularly perform poems and rhymes. Again, these are shared and celebrated on our Class Dojo page.


(Please visit our Class Dojo page to see these performances if you are a current nursery or reception parent).


In our Assemblies this year , so far the Reception children have performed ....

* Autumn is Here

* I'm a Little Pumpkin

* Hooray it's New Year!

* One Potato, Two Potato...

* Vegetables Song


So far, the Nursery children have performed on Class Dojo the following rhymes...


*Humpty Dumpty

*The Grand Old Duke of York

* Hickory, Dickory Dock

*Hey, Diddle Diddle

* Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

* Round and Round the Garden

*Pat a Cake

*Down at the Station

*1, 2, 3, 4, 5

*Row, Row, Row your boat

*Incy, Wincy Spider



Teaching oracy at a young age means that children will have a greater chance of growing up into adults who can healthily express their feelings and be more capable of dealing with a range of emotions. This is why oracy skills are part of our daily routine at Tyldesley Primary School.  Children learn all about the rules of conversations and group discussions in nursery. They are also intrdouced to talk partners and mixed grouping discussions. These skills and opportunities are further built upon as the children move into reception.

