Reevy Hill Primary School

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Welcome to Nursery

Hello and welcome to Nursery!

On a Monday the class teacher is Mrs Harding and Tuesday to Friday the class teacher is Mrs Pearce; you will also find Mrs Mason, Mrs Burke, Mrs Speakman and Mrs Hughes. We offer full-time and part-time hours for 3 and 4 year olds. We provide a range of snacks for your children; snack contribution is £1 a week which needs to be in a named envelope and posted in our silver post box at the start of each week.

In Nursery, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and we essentially learn through play. We ensure all activities are meeting the needs of our children through activities that are practical and experimental. We offer a stimulating and enabling environment for the children that they will explore throughout their time within the EYFS department. We also plan with the children's interests in mind. Each child will have their own learning journey: this is where we put any work the children have completed or pictures of any activities they have taken part in.


We offer a wide range of activities:
Dough Disco

Drawing the Write Way

Helicopter Stories

Cosmic Yoga

Foundations to phonics: in Nursery we focus on Phase 1 phonics which has 7 aspects.

  • Aspect 1 (Environmental sounds)
  • Aspect 2 (Instrumental sounds)
  • Aspect 3 (Body percussion)
  • Aspect 4 (Rhythm & rhyme)
  • Aspect 5 (Alliteration)
  • Aspect 6 (Voice sounds)
  • Aspect 7 (Oral blending and segmenting)


The children have access to both indoor and outdoor learning where they will be given opportunities to work under teacher direction in focused groups and also independently. 


The Nursery team

