Reevy Hill Primary School

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Science at Tyldesley Primary School is about giving children the tools to develop their ideas and ways of working that enable them to understand the world through investigation with independence, resilience and enjoyment. We believe that a broad and balanced science education is the entitlement of all children, regardless of ethnic, origin, gender, class, aptitude, or disability. It is important that children are given the opportunity to explore and understand the world in which they live. We aim to deliver a practical curriculum which the children enjoy and develop a curious mind that questions why.


In EYFS, scientific learning involves lots of investigating, discussing and exploring of aspects of the world in which they live.

Science at Key Stage 1 enables children to form an understanding of living things, plants and animals as well as investigating everyday materials. The children develop their observation and questioning skills whilst exploring different scientific concepts.

In Key Stage 2, these topics are revisited in more detail as well as investigation more elements of the wider world such as electricity, rocks, forces, and Earth and Space. Investigative skills are also deepened to allow the children to plan, conduct, write up and draw conclusions from their scientific tests.

Science Long Term Plan

