Reevy Hill Primary School

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Foreign Languages - Spanish



At Tyldesley Primary School, we believe that the acquisition of language is part of a broader curriculum involving language and culture. Spanish is our language of choice and children are taught a 30–60-minute weekly lesson, from Year 3 to 6. We use the Primary Languages Network, which shows a clear progression in skill and understanding that builds through Key Stage 2.

The focus in Spanish lessons is the development of speaking and listening skills, and the promotion of oracy, whilst learning a new language. Lessons are designed to be fun and engaging, whilst allowing children to gain an understanding a different culture. A variety of activities are planned such as games, songs and role play which are tailored according to children’s needs.

Our aims at Tyldesley Primary School are to ensure that all pupils:

  • Understand and respond to spoken and written language.
  • Speak with increasing confidence, through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation.
  • Develop linguistic skills which they can use to assist and lay foundations for further language learning.
  • Enjoy learning a new language through engaging lessons.

Spanish Long-Term Plan

