Reevy Hill Primary School

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Year 4b

Welcome to Year 4b

Welcome to 4b!


Our teacher is Miss Pankhawala.  We are also fortunate to have Mr Lee, Mrs Smith and Mr Quick supporting us. 


Our PE lessons this half term are on a Thursday and we will be doing gymnastics.  Our lessons should mainly take place outside so children are advised to wear a tracksuit in colder weather. 


Children have a reading book which they should bring home each night.  When children have read at home, they should show their diary the next day.  If children read 3 times a week, they will move up the reading championship on a Friday.


At the end of Year 4, children will be taking a multiplication check.  By the end of the year, they should know their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12.  Children have a Times Tables Rock Stars login to support them with this.


Spelling tests will be on Monday mornings.  New spellings will be sent home on Monday night for children to practise for the following week.


If you would like to get in contact, feel free to do so through Class Dojo.  


Meet the teacher information

