- Jade green sweatshirt or cardigan (logo preferred)
- Navy blue or jade green polo shirt (logo preferred)
- Navy blue trousers, shorts, blue/green gingham dress, skirt or pinafore dress
- Plain white, black, navy blue or grey socks
- Black or navy blue tights (no patterns)
- Black shoes (no trainers; no boots unless medically necessary; no leisure shoes)
PE Kit:
EYFS children should have a change of clothing for P.E. as follows:
- School P.E kit: white top (with school logo and jade sleeves if possible) and jade shorts
- Black pumps
- Drawstring bag with name clearly marked
Year 1- Year 6:
- School P.E. kit: white PE top (with school logo and jade sleeves if possible) and jade PE shorts
- In colder weather, navy joggers and a navy sweatshirt worn over the top of indoor kit
- Plain black or plain white trainers
*Please mark all items of clothing with your child’s name.
**PE Kit should be left in school and will be sent home half termly.
Swimming (Year 3 pupils):
Classic trunks or full classic swimming costume
All our uniform including sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and P.E. t-shirts with the school logo, are available for purchase from our current suppliers:
- Wendy’s Elliott Street, Tyldesley.
- Icon Embroidery Gables, Astley .