Reevy Hill Primary School

Interactive bar




Tyldesley Primary School is a place where music is loved and appreciated by all; music is an integral part of school life. Weekly music lessons are vibrant and engaging, allowing children to develop their imaginations, creativity and performance. There is an opportunity for listening and appreciation, singing, improvisation and composition and performance. This provides children with a way to communicate that will inspire and motivate. They develop an understanding of a wide range of music – extending their knowledge and judgements and allowing opportunities to embrace and celebrate different sounds and cultures. Additionally, throughout each week, children develop skills, attitudes and attributes that support learning in life and work e.g., listening skills, creativity, intuition, perseverance, self-confidence, team work. There are many opportunities outside of the classroom to make music, including in groups, such as choir, orchestra and instrumental lessons. In addition to this, there are regular performance opportunities during the school year through termly concerts and annual celebrations.

Music Long Term Plan

