Reevy Hill Primary School

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Year 3a

Welcome to Year 3a

Welcome to Year 3A and the beginning of our Key Stage 2 learning journey.


Our teacher is Mrs Iles. We also have Mrs Parry who supports us with our learning in the mornings.


Our day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.30pm. In that time, we are learning lots of exciting new things. Feel free to take a look at our curriculum map for this half-term to find out more about what we are learning.


We have our outdoor PE session on a Tuesday afternoon where the children may need warmer clothes and appropriate footwear for outside.  Our indoor session is on Wednesday afternoon and children should wear their PE kit and pumps.  Children also need to remove any watches or earrings on PE day.


Children have a reading book which they should bring home each night.  When children have read at home, they should show their reading record log the next day.  If children read 3 times per week, they will move up one point on the Reading Championship each Friday.  Children can also take home a book from the library.


Children will bring home their spelling list each Monday.  They will practise spellings which follow the same rule throughout the week and be tested on a Friday.  The aim is for the children to learn the rule so they will be tested on the words sent home plus two more words following the same rule.


Children should also practise their times tables on Times Tables Rock Star.  Children should already know their 2s, 5s and 10 times tables from year 2 and by the end of year 3 should have learnt their 3s, 4s and 8s.


If you would like to contact me, feel free to do so through Class Dojo.


Mrs Iles

