Welcome to Year 2b, the end of our Key Stage 1 learning journey.
Our class teacher is Mrs Tagg
We are also very lucky to have Mr Quick and Mr Lee working alongside us.
Our day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.25pm.
In Year 2B we are class full of characters with bubbly personalities and have a genuine love of learning. We are kind and hardworking individuals who work together to achieve our best.
Our inquisitive minds enable us to explore and investigate our amazing world around us and learn new and exciting things every day. We take pride in everything that we do and are proud to be Tyldesley Primary Children.
In year 2, we participate in three guided reading sessions per week. During these sessions, we will develop our fluency and comprehension skills. Our new reading books will be sent home every Thursday.
We look forward to our Love of Reading time every day and we have some fantastic text that we will read this year, including The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark, The True Story of the Three Pigs, The day the Crayons quit and The bear and the piano. and The Magic Faraway Tree.
Our P.E lesson will be every Wednesday afternoon so please ensure any jewellery is removed and your indoor and outdoor kits are left in school each week.
We are very excited to continue our learning journey this year and to see where our school year takes us!
Please see the curriculum map for an overview of our learning this half-term and check our class dojo for regular updates and photographs.
Mrs Tagg
Our Reading in Year 2